Tuesday, September 9, 2014

No Iron Man 4. Really?

Robert Downey Jr. set the comic world spinning in a recent interview with Variety where he claimed "There isn't one in the pipe. No, there's no plan for a fourth Iron Man." We know that we will see Iron Man in both of the next Avengers movies, but is the stand alone movie over for him? Iron man is the one who started it all for this new adventure in superhero movie making. I doubt it. I can see a few reasons why I believe there is at least one more Iron Man in the works.

  1. The movies make money. If there is anything that Hollywood loves, it is a cash cow. Sometimes they squeeze way more out of a franchise than they should.
  2. In the interview, he did not say they were not doing a fourth but only that one was not in the pipe. Sometimes it is what is not said verses what is said.
  3. After Iron Man 3 they need one more. Even though the story was okay, it was not the Iron Man we were expecting.
  4. There is an opportunity to pair up Hulk and Iron Man. I know that this would not technically be a fourth Iron Man, but I believe the potential for a team up is possible.
  5. He must face the Mandarin. Even though he faced a Mandarin style villain in the third movie, I do not believe we have seen him face Iron Man's arch foe. I hope that this is in the works because since the Iron Man movies started I have been hoping for an ultimate battle between the man in armor and the one who wields the rings.
I believe the only thing that keeps the studios from making at least one more Iron man movie is if Robert Downey Jr. says that he is done. My hope is that the studio would make at least one more stand alone Iron Man and make him face his arch-nemesis...a villain who could truly push our hero to the edge of destruction to bring out his best.

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