Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Absorbing Man: What does he mean?

In the season 2 premier of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., we were introduce to a villain who was called Absorbing Man. He has the power to absorb any element and change his body's molecules to become that element. He seems to work for the highest bidder and might even have a connection to Hydra.

The most significant part of the appearance of Absorbing Man is not him or his power, but rather the fact that he is a recognizable villain from the Marvel universe. With his addition and the announcement of Mockingbird, the live action television branch of Marvel Studios is getting a major boost. With the success of the first season, it appears that the studios has decided that there is a valid place for this show and others like it. We will have to wait and see if the universe becomes any smaller with any possible cameos in any of the studio's upcoming major motion pictures.

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