Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dr. Strange looks awesome!

Dr. Strange is here!

Entertainment Weekly  gave us our first look at the world of Dr. Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch will be playing the Master of the Mystic Arts in November of 2016.

This is very different than a lot of the worlds that have been introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Strange you can find out more about him on Marvel's Characters page.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Who is a Skywalker?

The episodic films in Star Wars have all featured a Skywalker. The original trilogy focused on Luke Skywalker and his redemption of his father. The prequel trilogy showed us the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader. So this begs the question, will there be a new Skywalker? Let's look at whom might be the Skywalker or Skywalkers in the new trilogy.

To begin with, I do not think Poe Dameron or Finn are going to be Skywalkers, but they are both going to be important. Dameron is a pilot for the resistance. Finn is going to leave the First Order to join our other heroes in their adventure.

Rey is my first choice for being a Skywalker. I believe she is in hiding on Jakku and she is the daughter of Han and Liea. So, technically I believe she is a Solo. In the previews, she seems to have a knowledge of the force and a familiarity with Han.

I am also getting more convinced that Kylo is a Skywalker. I believe he may either be a brother to Rey or her cousin. His turning to the dark side would help explain why Rey would be in hiding.

What do you think? Who besides Luke and Leia will be the Skywalkers in the new triology?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Can "Heroes Reborn" Survive?

In September of 2006 a show premiered unlike most of the television of its day. This show had people with superhuman powers and they had a mission to "save the cheerleader, save the world". Besides Smallville there was just not a huge choice when it came to superhero shows. Heroes filled a gap on TV that was clear to people who were looking for a weekly episodic adventure.

The first season was great and the show drew in a pretty solid following. Then...disaster struck. The writers went on strike and many shows began to suffer as it drug on and on, week after week. When the writers finally returned, many television shows could not fully recover and  Heroes seemed to be one of those victims. The last few seasons before the network decided to pull the plug the series began to improve, but it could never regain its initial following.

Jump ahead almost 10 years and a show premiered in a very different climate. Superhero movies rule the box office. There are more superhero shows than there are days in the week with shows like Marvel's Agent Carter, Marvel's Agents of Shield, Arrow, Flash, Daredevil, and Gotham. And there are several more on the horizon.

Can Heroes Reborn find an audience? Watching the first episode, I found myself saying, "Where is Hiro, or Parkman, or any of the other older heroes I remember from the first series?" I did get drawn into the new show, but mainly to see what had become of the characters since we last saw them. I am hoping that this show will reveal where they have been, but even more importantly, give me a new story I can get excited about with where they are headed.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Will Vader appear in Rogue One?

Now that it has been confirmed exactly what time the galaxy Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is set, I have several questions.

The first blog I wrote about Rogue One I stated that I really hoped that they would set the movie in the time of the new trilogy, but now it is known that Rogue One will take place between Episode III (Revenge of the Sith) and Episode IV (A New Hope). This shows us that Disney is really looking to expand the Star Wars Cinematic Galaxy.

Here are my questions...

  1. Will Vader appear in Rogue One? - The rumors have been flying since July that the ultimate villain will make his evil reappearance in this film. Last time we saw Vader on screen he was crying over the loss of the love of his life. When I was a child Darth Vader was scary and intimidating. I really hope they redeem him and return him to his roots.
  2. What other old characters might appear? Tarkin, Bail Organa, Ezra, Kanan Jarrus and many more have the potential of showing up in this movie in some form or fashion. There are many characters that are known during this period of time.
  3. Will we see any of the big 3? We know that Luke, Leia and Han are all around during this period of time. Luke is probably the most unlikely. A younger Han or Leia might make an appearance. Leia seems to be the most likely, especially if Bail Organa is included in the story. 
The premise of the film is "Following the foundation of the Galactic Empire, a wayward band of Rebel fighters comes together to carry out a desperate mission: to steal the plans for the Death Star before it can be used to enforce the Emperor's rule." At D23 it was said that this film would focus on ground war and truly be a "war" flick to show the struggle of the rebel alliance. It has been said that it will approach this conflict in shades of gray and not quite as black and white as the original trilogy. 

The film is set to hit theaters on December 16, 2016. I am holding back my excitement for Rogue One until Episode VII has hit theaters. I believe it will be very nostalgic to revisit the galaxy during a very familiar time in history and see the classic storm-troopers, vehicles and hopefully villains. This is a very exciting time to be a Star Wars fan!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Return of Good Mythical Morning

Rhett and Link have returned with season 8 of their daily YouTube show Good Mythical Morning. They concluded season 7 on July 17, 2015 by eating habanero slivers and testing ways to cool down your mouth. If you know Rhett and Link at all, you know that they had to try and upstage the finale by making the premiere even bigger, and probably harder on Link. (Poor Link!)

So why not.... let's eat pet food!

If you have not yet discovered Rhett and Link and Good Mythical Morning, let me encourage you to watch a few episodes and see if you like the brand of mixing science and education...with a whole lot of comedy!

Click Here for the premiere of Season 8!

Here are two other blogs I wrote about Rhett and Link.

Rhett and Link

Top Five "Will it" Videos from Rhett and Link

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Could I Get Any More Excited for Star Wars?

Comic-Con is over and I have watched a ton of YouTube videos about the event. Many of the panels excited me. The panel on "The Force Awakens" was simply amazing. There were no major secrets revealed or new trailers released, but what they did have was Harrison Ford.

I was also able to watch many of the live streaming from Star Wars Celebration and listened to both Mark Hamill's and Carrie Fisher's thoughts, but because of his accident, Harrison Ford was unable to make an appearance.  

Comic-Con, on the other hand, was a whole different story. The panel started with some of the production people, the new cast, and finally both Mark and Carrie joined them on stage to answer questions. There was only one seat left and it did not have a name card. His name was announced and Harrison Ford came out from behind the stage with the crowd roaring.

It was very exciting to see him once again embrace his beloved character of Han Solo. That would have been enough to get me excited, but, to my delight, there was more. Ford took several minutes to praise the new story and the direction the Star Wars universe is going. He seemed genuinely enthusiastic about his arc and the movie as a whole. With both Hamill and Fisher appearing at SWCA, Ford was the last member of the original trilogy to reveal his emotions surrounding his return.

So, I will end this in the words of Han Solo in as far as it applies to the original three..."We're home".

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

New Covers for Comic-Con

If you love to watch all the DC TV shows, then you are going to want to pick up a TV Guide magazine soon. 

TV Guide released 4 collectible covers for Comic Con. They are going to feature Arrow, Flash, Gotham and the new superhero, coming to CBS this fall, Supergirl. They are available at the Warner Bros booth during the event, but will be available nationwide on July 7, 2015. 

Look for all 4 at your local retailer. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Best story in the new Avengers movie

I hope by now you have had a chance to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. I want to take a minute and look a few of the characters.

*** Mild SPOILERS ahead! ***

Since there are so many different characters and so much action in these Avengers movies, true character development can be difficult. I believe Avengers: Age of Ultron does deliver on a few story lines.
let's take a look at my 4 favorite.

1. Ultron- The machine with artificial intelligence gets us to hate him with only a few appearances on screen. James Spader does an excellent job of delivering his lines with real arrogance and condescension.

2. Vision - Even though the Vision only enters in the third act, he gives us a crash  course on who he is and what he stands for in this fight. There is a real air of mystery, and yet, he is familiar because of his origins.

3. Wanda - I feel this is the best of the new characters. Throughout the movie we are made to understand why she is who she is and why she hates Stark.

4. Hawkeye -  In my opinion, this movie, more than any other in the Marvel cinematic universe story, stars Burton.  We get to see his family. We get a much better idea of his place within the team. We are really made to care about him, much more than the previous MCU film.

Who did you see as the best character? Do you think A:AoU delivered on the hype? Let me know. I read all comments!

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Jubilee from Xmen: Apocalypse

Jubilee played a major role in the Animated X-men series. It looks like they are trying to keep her very close to the original costume. Bryan Singer posted a photo of Jubilee. It is from the X-Men: Apocalypse set.

What role will Jubilee play in the new movie? Will they keep her powers the same? Do you like her look?

Pictured below are Lana Condor as Jubilee and Sophie Turner as Jean Grey in the 1980s-set film.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Star Wars Spin-off

The news broke on starwars.com that Rogue One was going to be the name of the first stand-alone film in the Star Wars universe.

You can click here to see the article on starwars.com.

With the release of the title it raises a few questions.

1.Who is this spin-off going to be about? It has been rumored and wondered about a Han Solo stand-alone film. Also, fan favorite Boba Fett has been proposed as a character that people would love to see his history. Another choice would be to explore a story of a character that we will be introduced to in Episode VII: The Force Awakens. The last option would be to choose or create an unknown character in the Star Wars Universe.

2. In what time is the spin-off set? The movie is going to be released a year after Episode VII and 5 months before Episode VIII. It could be that Rogue One is going to set up Episode VIII or further the adventures of Episode VII. If the movie is not going to stay in the timeline, then anyone's guess is as good as the next person's. They could choose from the old republic, days before the empire, or even during the early days of the rebellion.

3. Will this be a story about Rogue Squadron? With a name like Rogue One, fans have to wonder if they are going to see a movie centered around pilots. After the Rogue Squadron games and books, this group of pilots has had it's own following and fandom.

If I had my preferences, I would like to see a fringe character from either episode 7 or 8. I hope they put the movie in the current movie timeline. I believe that it will be a miss if they do not capitalize on the popularity of Rogue Squadron and the iconic ships of the Star Wars universe.  Whatever the spin-off looks like, fans only want it to be good and help establish the SWCG (Star Wars Cinematic Galaxy).

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

First Look: Lex Luthor

Entertainment Weekly released an image of Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor. Zack Snyder’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is set to release March 25, 2016.

I am excited to see this movie, but I do not want it to go too dark. If a picture is worth a thousand words then I am a little concerned. Lex Luthor is a very complex character. Lex believes he is in the right. Lex is not the Joker and I hope they do not attempt to recreate Heath Ledger's performance. Luthor is a brilliant, arrogant, power hungry, win at all costs, type of villain. I hope Jesse Eisenberg can give us the complexity of Lex without taking him too dark.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Rebels Gets Two Big Returns

***This blog will contain spoilers if you have not watched the finale of Star Wars Rebels***

The first season is over and it seems the Disney's XD really wanted to end Star Wars Rebels on a high note. Fire Across The Galaxy, as a fan, seems to be their strongest episode to date. They tie up a few story lines, but really just set the stage for a much broader universe for season 2. Two really big characters make their first appearance in the episode.

Dave Filoni and his team did an excellent job of investing the fans in a whole new set of characters before bringing in the more familiar ones. If you have not been watching Rebels it is a story of a Rebel cell and their adventures against the empire in and around the planet Lothal. The series opens when Ezra, a force sensitive kid, joins up with the other rebels and discovers that there is a Jedi still fighting against the Empire.

The best moment is when, after teasing us all season, they finally reveal the identity of Fulcrum. Chopper (an astromech droid) brings reinforcements to save the day and escape to hyperspace. As the heroes come back together they discover Fulcrum herself has come to their rescue. Most Star Wars: The Clone Wars fans were thrilled to see Ahsoka Tano return as Fulcrum and a leader in the galactic rebellion. Fans have wanted to know what happen to her and did she play a bigger role in the Star Wars universe. Filoni revealed that more of Ahsoka's story is to come in season 2. He also said that she is NOT a Jedi but rather she is neutrally affiliated. When she lights up her new lightsabers they will be white, showing she is neither Jedi or Sith.

Ahsoka's master also returned at the end of this episode. That is right! Darth Vader himself has made an official appearance on Star Wars Rebels. The creators, writers and voice actors promise that they are treating Darth Vader with all the respect he deserves. Dave Filoni does not want to over use Vader but does want to give him a role in this part of the Star Wars universe.

These two returns were huge for fans of the Star Wars cartoons. With these two returning to the small scene it raises a few questions. Will Master and Padawan meet and do battle? How will Ahsoka's story play out? How will Kanan and Ezra be affected by the return of another, former Jedi?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

X-men on TV?

It has been announced that Fox is exploring the possibilities of launching a live-action version on the X-men franchise for television.  It is still very early in the development, but some key people have signed on to explore options. What could a TV version of X-men look like? They need to answer a few questions if it is going to be successful.

1. Can they use any of the better know mutants? One of the decisions they will have to make could be crucial to its success. If they do not use Cyclops, Storm, Jean, and Wolverine will fans still watch the show? With the upcoming schedule of movies, do they have room for a live action TV series?

The rumored movie schedule for the X-men series is:
 Deadpool (2016)
 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
 Gambit (2016)
 Untitled The Wolverine sequel (2017)
 X-Force (?)

2. What time period will they set the X-men TV series? They have the option of setting the TV series during the time that Scott, Jean and the other X-men were in school. They could chose to explore the first class. There are also X-men set in the future.

3.  If they use lesser know mutants, then which ones will they choose? The X-men universe is so large that they have the option to tell one of many different stories. The question is...is the fan base willing to accept a show about lesser known mutants?

4. Who owns the TV rights to the X-men? It is clear that 20 Century Fox owns the rights to the X-men cinematic universe but the television rights are a little more ambiguous. There was a deal made behind closed doors when 20 Century Fox sued Marvel over the Spike series, Mutant-X. So, who owns the rights to television is not known by the general public.

Fans really hope that these and other questions get worked out to bring a good X-men series to television. Fox could have the DC/Marvel block with Gotham and X-Men. What do you think? Can these issues be resolved to open the door to a whole new television universe?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spider-man is Under Marvel's Control

The web-slinger has returned to Marvel for creative control. What does this mean for his future? What movies might we get to see him be a part of now that he is part of Marvel? Can we get excited about this acquisition?

1. Marvel is returning Spider-man to high school. Andrew Garfield did an okay job as Spider-man, but it was hard to envision him as Peter Parker. Spider-man has always been a teenager or young adult, so it will be good to see a younger actor in the tights.

2. Spidey will have a role in Captain America: Civil War. In the comic series, Spidey was very important to both sides of the civil war. It is not clear how they will use him since this is his first Marvel universe movie, but it is wonderful that they can write him into the script.

3. Sony is still talking about a Sinister Six film and a female hero to wear a spider costume. Hopefully Marvel can contribute creatively and only make these projects stronger.

4. Spider-man will get a good reboot and can play a BIG role in Phase 3 of the Marvel cinematic universe. We may get to see him play a role in the last two Avenger films.

We can get excited about this agreement because everything Marvel has touched has become gold in the last few years. We can be excited until they give us a good reason not to be. Bring on the sarcastic, head strong, one-line slinging, hero in red and blue tights!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Atom is Coming

The Atom is coming to Arrow.

It has been announced the Ray Palmer will wear the Atom suit for the first time in the episode “Nanda Parbat”.

Below is the released image. Are you excited to add another hero to Arrow? How did they do making the suit new and realistic? Does it pay homage to the original character?

Here is the write up for the episode.

“Nanda Parbat” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

MERLYN IS CAPTURED BY RA’S AL GHUL; THE ATOM SUIT REVEALED —Malcolm (John Barrowman) is captured by Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea (Willa Holland), Oliver (Stephen Amell) considers saving Merlyn. Ray (Brandon Routh) is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver (Stephen Amell) and tries to pull him out of the lab. Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski and teleplay by Erik Olesen & Ben Sokolowski (#315). Original airdate 2/25/2015.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Look at Daredevil

Marvel is continuing its small screen superhero series with the release of Daredevil on April 10, 2015. It is exciting to see that after the success of Marvel's Agents of Shield and the recent addition of Marvel's Agent Carter, they are committing themselves to this genre. 

The most exciting part about the addition of Daredevil is that Marvel Studios is adding an actual superhero to its small screen line up. The other shows are good, but it will be amazing to see a superhero in this small screen genre from Marvel. DC has already proven these shows work with both Arrow and The Flash. Even though Netflix is not a station, this is a step in the right direction for Marvel.

Here is a brief look at a few pictures from the show.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Some 2015 Movies

Here are a few of the movies that look interesting this year. I pulled my list from a website called firstshowing.net. I would encourage you to follow this link for a full list of the movies scheduled for 2015.

The top three movies coming out in 2015 that I am anticipating are Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2. Some of the movies are just interesting because I was unaware they were coming this year. A few of these movies, I am hoping are not a total train wreck.

February 6 (Friday) - Jupiter Ascending
                                  SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

February 13 (Friday) - Kingsman: The Secret Service

March 6 (Friday) - Chappie

March 13 (Friday) - Cinderella

March 20 (Friday) - Divergent Series: Insurgent

April 17 (Friday) - Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

May 1 (Friday) - Avengers: Age of Ultron (in 3D)

May 15 (Friday)- Mad Max: Fury Road (in 3D)

May 22 (Friday) - Tomorrowland (in 3D)

June 12 (Friday) - Jurassic World (in 3D)

June 19 (Friday) - Inside Out (in 3D)

July 1 (Wednesday) - Terminator: Genisys

July 10 (Friday) - Minions (in 3D)

July 17 (Friday) - Ant-Man

July 31 (Friday) - Point Break (Remake)

August 7 (Friday) - The Fantastic Four

September 18 (Friday) - The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials

September 25 (Friday) - Hotel Transylvania 2 (in 3D)

October 9 (Friday) - The Jungle Book (Live Action Hybrid by Jon Favreau)

October 23 (Friday) - Jem and the Holograms (Live Action version of 80's cartoon)

November 6 (Friday) - The Peanuts Movie (cartoon)

November 20 (Friday)- The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

November 25 (Wednesday - Thanksgiving) - The Good Dinosaur (in 3D) (Disney/Pixar)

December 18 (Friday) - Star Wars: The Force Awakens (in 3D)

December 23 (Wednesday) - Alvin and the Chipmunks 4

December 25 (Friday - Christmas) - Mission: Impossible 5