Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spider-man is Under Marvel's Control

The web-slinger has returned to Marvel for creative control. What does this mean for his future? What movies might we get to see him be a part of now that he is part of Marvel? Can we get excited about this acquisition?

1. Marvel is returning Spider-man to high school. Andrew Garfield did an okay job as Spider-man, but it was hard to envision him as Peter Parker. Spider-man has always been a teenager or young adult, so it will be good to see a younger actor in the tights.

2. Spidey will have a role in Captain America: Civil War. In the comic series, Spidey was very important to both sides of the civil war. It is not clear how they will use him since this is his first Marvel universe movie, but it is wonderful that they can write him into the script.

3. Sony is still talking about a Sinister Six film and a female hero to wear a spider costume. Hopefully Marvel can contribute creatively and only make these projects stronger.

4. Spider-man will get a good reboot and can play a BIG role in Phase 3 of the Marvel cinematic universe. We may get to see him play a role in the last two Avenger films.

We can get excited about this agreement because everything Marvel has touched has become gold in the last few years. We can be excited until they give us a good reason not to be. Bring on the sarcastic, head strong, one-line slinging, hero in red and blue tights!

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