Thursday, November 13, 2014

Top Five "Will it" Videos from Rhett and Link

Rhett and Link are a comedy team that produce two
daily videos on YouTube. These two friends have been together for a very long time. They seem to really enjoy what they are doing and it is obvious if you take the time to watch a few of their videos. They have three channels: Rhett and Link, Good Mythical Morning, and Good Mythical More.

On Good Mythical Morning (and Good Mythical More) the duo like to explore the different questions that have been plaguing humanity for almost its entire existence. (That might have been a little bit of an oversell.) They sacrifice their own health and well-being to answer life's great mysteries. (Again, I wonder if it might be an oversell.)

Recently, they have been answering the question: Will it _______ ?

This is a short list of my top 5 videos they have produced.

5. Will It Jack-O'-Lantern? (Oct. 29, 2014) - In this video, they explore different possible choices for that Halloween icon.

4. Will It Cereal? (Oct. 14, 2014) - Ceral is great but have you ever wonder if you are missing out on some other items that should have milked poured on them.

3. Will It Ice Cream Sandwich? (July 29, 2014) - This deserves to be in the top five if for no other reason then they made an ice cream sandwich out of BACON!

2. Will It Double Awesome? (Sept.16, 2014) - Rhett and Link asked the question if an object by itself is awesome if you put 2 of them together will they "double awesome".

1. Will It Taco? (May 5, 2014) - Will It Taco got it all started so in my opinion it deserves to be number 1.

A few episodes that did not make my list, but deserve to be mentioned, are: "Will It Deep Fry?" and "Will It Pumpkin Spice?". They have a tremendous amount of fun producing these videos and if you have not checked them out, I would recommend you popping over to Rhett and Link and viewing a few of these. Be prepared to get addicted.

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