Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wildcat and Black Canary

Arrow last night gave us just a glimpse into these new characters. Wildcat (Theodore "Ted" Grant) trains the new Black Canary (Laurel Lance) to fight and defend herself. Laurel is still struggling with the lost of her sister Sara and is looking for an outlet for this pent-up rage. In the coming weeks, fans will get to see a whole new side of Laurel and what she is capable of if she focuses herself. Ted is going to provide that stabilizing force she needs at this time. With all the heroes, Starling City will have to be one of the safest places on the entire planet. It will be very interesting to see the character development unfold on characters like Atom, Speedy, Black Canary, and Wildcat.

If you are not watching Arrow,.... Why?

I encourage you to catch up on Netflix or Hulu and see what all the buzz is about this show.

Arrow... not just another superhero show.

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