Friday, November 14, 2014

Marvel's Phase 3

At the end of October, Marvel Studios released its phase 3 slate of movies to carry them through 'til May of 2019. With only Avengers: Age of Ultron and Ant-Man, the last movie of phase 2 set to release in July of 2015, It is time to start talking about phase 3. This is the phase that brings most of the earlier movies to their conclusions. It looks like this phase will start out with a lot of discord between our heroes. Then, it seems Marvel will be using the second half of the 3rd phase to introduce new characters set up the future of the Marvel Universe.

There are several movies in the 3rd phase that look interesting. Doctor Strange has great potential because, like the Guardians of the Galaxy, this movie has the opportunity to explore parts of the marvel universe that have not been explored. Thor: Ragnarok should have strong Loki and Thor screen time. Captain Marvel has been announced as the Carol Danvers version of this hero which means finally there will be a female lead in a Marvel superhero movie. It will be interesting to see if this juggernaut can continue past its original phase one stars. What does the future hold for Marvel Studios? I am excited to watch and see.

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Doctor Strange (2016)

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (2017)

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

Black Panther (2017)

Avengers: Infinity War Part I (2018)

Captain Marvel (2018)

Inhumans (2018)

Avengers: Infinity War Part II (2019)

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