Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Lightsaber to Start It All

Is there any cooler sound than a lightsaber igniting?

With the release of the Star Wars VII teaser trailer behind us, it has been amazing to see all of the analysis that has taken place on these short 88 seconds of film magic. In other blogs, I will take time to look at some of the really cool stuff that the film makers showed us and why I am so excited for this movie. For now, I really would like to focus on the very last thing you hear in the trailer.

*Mild Spoilers ahead* (No plot spoilers)

People with more time and resources than me have analyzed the lightsaber sound at the end of the trailer and believe strongly that it is the sound of Luke Skywalker's original lightsaber. The is the first lightsaber we, as an audience, ever see ignited and it is also when we get that wonderful description of this weapon. "This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age." Obi-Wan Kenobi informs Luke that it was his father's weapon and that he wanted him to have it when he was old enough.

If the experts are right and this is Luke's original lightsaber that is amazing, Here are a few things to remember or think about as we explore the idea of the return of the first lightsaber.

  1. This was once Anakin's lightsaber as well. Obi-wan picked it up on Mustafar after their last battle in Episode III and kept it for Luke all these years.
  2. The lightsaber was lost on Bespin when Darth Vader severed Luke's hand in Episode V. This means someone has to find this in Cloud City and somehow it has fallen into a new character's hands or has been returned to Luke.
  3. If this is Luke's lightsaber, then it will have secured a part in all three trilogies: Anakin's weapon in prequels, Luke's in the original, and someone's in the new trilogy.
I believe this raises a few questions.
  1. Who found the lightsaber and why?
  2. Who is wielding it when it first is ignited?
  3. Who will use this lightsaber in the new movies? Could it be another Skywalker?
I hope this gets you thinking without giving away too much about the new movie. I am very excited, but I am trying to stay away from too many rumors. Do you think it is going to be Luke's original lightsaber? Who do you think will use it? Are you excited that JJ Abrams may have wanted to bring it back?

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