Tonight starts the brand new season of Dr. Who on BBC and BBC America. The show has just celebrated 50 years and has really gained speed and popularity in the last few years. The show has always been popular in Great Britain and a solid following in America. The show is also gaining a stronger presence in the rest of the world.
The show is fun with a different adventure each week. The Doctor has at his disposal all of time and space as destinations. The writers have a lot of freedom since they can draw from everywhere and anywhere for story ideas.
The Doctor has just gone through a regeneration, which is the shows way of working in another leading actor and allow the story to stay the same. The companion will stay the same, but the Doctor will change. Matt Smith has stepped down and Peter Capaldi will be picking up the mantle. So, this is a good time to try
Dr. Who if you have not been watching.
If you have never watch an episode, what do you need to know?
- The "Doctor" is an alien and a traveler through time and space. He is a Time Lord and one of the last of his kind. He is very old and has all those years of experience to draw from in every adventure.
- He travels with others (mainly earthlings) that are called his companions. He has a strong fondness for these companions and has to save them often.
- He travels in a ship that is called the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space) The Tardis does not always go where they are planning, but it always takes them where they are needed.
- Every regeneration of the Doctor brings a new interpretation of the character. So, with his arrival, everyone is getting to know this new Doctor.
How to start as a newbie:
- Use the rule of three. Try out at least the first three episodes and see what you think.
- Don't feel like you have to catch up on all the information of the Whoverse. They do a great job of revealing what you need to know when you need to know it.
- If you still like the show, go back and start watching the reboot which began in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston.