Sunday, February 22, 2015

X-men on TV?

It has been announced that Fox is exploring the possibilities of launching a live-action version on the X-men franchise for television.  It is still very early in the development, but some key people have signed on to explore options. What could a TV version of X-men look like? They need to answer a few questions if it is going to be successful.

1. Can they use any of the better know mutants? One of the decisions they will have to make could be crucial to its success. If they do not use Cyclops, Storm, Jean, and Wolverine will fans still watch the show? With the upcoming schedule of movies, do they have room for a live action TV series?

The rumored movie schedule for the X-men series is:
 Deadpool (2016)
 X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
 Gambit (2016)
 Untitled The Wolverine sequel (2017)
 X-Force (?)

2. What time period will they set the X-men TV series? They have the option of setting the TV series during the time that Scott, Jean and the other X-men were in school. They could chose to explore the first class. There are also X-men set in the future.

3.  If they use lesser know mutants, then which ones will they choose? The X-men universe is so large that they have the option to tell one of many different stories. The question the fan base willing to accept a show about lesser known mutants?

4. Who owns the TV rights to the X-men? It is clear that 20 Century Fox owns the rights to the X-men cinematic universe but the television rights are a little more ambiguous. There was a deal made behind closed doors when 20 Century Fox sued Marvel over the Spike series, Mutant-X. So, who owns the rights to television is not known by the general public.

Fans really hope that these and other questions get worked out to bring a good X-men series to television. Fox could have the DC/Marvel block with Gotham and X-Men. What do you think? Can these issues be resolved to open the door to a whole new television universe?

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Spider-man is Under Marvel's Control

The web-slinger has returned to Marvel for creative control. What does this mean for his future? What movies might we get to see him be a part of now that he is part of Marvel? Can we get excited about this acquisition?

1. Marvel is returning Spider-man to high school. Andrew Garfield did an okay job as Spider-man, but it was hard to envision him as Peter Parker. Spider-man has always been a teenager or young adult, so it will be good to see a younger actor in the tights.

2. Spidey will have a role in Captain America: Civil War. In the comic series, Spidey was very important to both sides of the civil war. It is not clear how they will use him since this is his first Marvel universe movie, but it is wonderful that they can write him into the script.

3. Sony is still talking about a Sinister Six film and a female hero to wear a spider costume. Hopefully Marvel can contribute creatively and only make these projects stronger.

4. Spider-man will get a good reboot and can play a BIG role in Phase 3 of the Marvel cinematic universe. We may get to see him play a role in the last two Avenger films.

We can get excited about this agreement because everything Marvel has touched has become gold in the last few years. We can be excited until they give us a good reason not to be. Bring on the sarcastic, head strong, one-line slinging, hero in red and blue tights!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Atom is Coming

The Atom is coming to Arrow.

It has been announced the Ray Palmer will wear the Atom suit for the first time in the episode “Nanda Parbat”.

Below is the released image. Are you excited to add another hero to Arrow? How did they do making the suit new and realistic? Does it pay homage to the original character?

Here is the write up for the episode.

“Nanda Parbat” — (8:00-9:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

MERLYN IS CAPTURED BY RA’S AL GHUL; THE ATOM SUIT REVEALED —Malcolm (John Barrowman) is captured by Ra’s al Ghul (guest star Matt Nable) and taken to Nanda Parbat. Because of his love for Thea (Willa Holland), Oliver (Stephen Amell) considers saving Merlyn. Ray (Brandon Routh) is obsessed with finishing his Atom suit so he can save the city but Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) fears he is heading down the same path as Oliver (Stephen Amell) and tries to pull him out of the lab. Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski and teleplay by Erik Olesen & Ben Sokolowski (#315). Original airdate 2/25/2015.