Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Dr. Strange looks awesome!

Dr. Strange is here!

Entertainment Weekly  gave us our first look at the world of Dr. Strange. Benedict Cumberbatch will be playing the Master of the Mystic Arts in November of 2016.

This is very different than a lot of the worlds that have been introduced in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Strange you can find out more about him on Marvel's Characters page.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Who is a Skywalker?

The episodic films in Star Wars have all featured a Skywalker. The original trilogy focused on Luke Skywalker and his redemption of his father. The prequel trilogy showed us the fall of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader. So this begs the question, will there be a new Skywalker? Let's look at whom might be the Skywalker or Skywalkers in the new trilogy.

To begin with, I do not think Poe Dameron or Finn are going to be Skywalkers, but they are both going to be important. Dameron is a pilot for the resistance. Finn is going to leave the First Order to join our other heroes in their adventure.

Rey is my first choice for being a Skywalker. I believe she is in hiding on Jakku and she is the daughter of Han and Liea. So, technically I believe she is a Solo. In the previews, she seems to have a knowledge of the force and a familiarity with Han.

I am also getting more convinced that Kylo is a Skywalker. I believe he may either be a brother to Rey or her cousin. His turning to the dark side would help explain why Rey would be in hiding.

What do you think? Who besides Luke and Leia will be the Skywalkers in the new triology?