Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Best story in the new Avengers movie

I hope by now you have had a chance to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. I want to take a minute and look a few of the characters.

*** Mild SPOILERS ahead! ***

Since there are so many different characters and so much action in these Avengers movies, true character development can be difficult. I believe Avengers: Age of Ultron does deliver on a few story lines.
let's take a look at my 4 favorite.

1. Ultron- The machine with artificial intelligence gets us to hate him with only a few appearances on screen. James Spader does an excellent job of delivering his lines with real arrogance and condescension.

2. Vision - Even though the Vision only enters in the third act, he gives us a crash  course on who he is and what he stands for in this fight. There is a real air of mystery, and yet, he is familiar because of his origins.

3. Wanda - I feel this is the best of the new characters. Throughout the movie we are made to understand why she is who she is and why she hates Stark.

4. Hawkeye -  In my opinion, this movie, more than any other in the Marvel cinematic universe story, stars Burton.  We get to see his family. We get a much better idea of his place within the team. We are really made to care about him, much more than the previous MCU film.

Who did you see as the best character? Do you think A:AoU delivered on the hype? Let me know. I read all comments!