Since Avengers Endgame is almost here, it is time to explore:
Who might be the next big Marvel baddie?
Who is going to show up to give our heroes a new treat to their peace and happiness? Who is going to wreck the happiness that they are finally feeling after the world has been set right again?
Will this villain make an appearance in a post credit scene or will we have to wait?
How much longer can we WAIT to see this movie without EXPLODING from anticipation??? (deep breaths... deep breaths...)
Soon Thanos will be gone and the world will be right again. Some of our heroes maybe forever changed, but hopefully the Thanos story is completely wrapped up. We know that the universe moves forward and so our heroes will need another antagonist. Who will burst out of the scene to cause trouble in the MCU.
I believe it is time for Kang the Conqueror.
Kang is a time traveling genius that has amazing technology at his disposal. He desire to to conqueror and rule and he believes he is entitled to do so.
Why Kang?
1. If the Avengers use some form of time travel to reverse the affects of Infinity War, then they have opened up the MCU to time travel.
2. Now that Disney owns Fox, they have access to The Fantastic Four and Kang is a great villain to introduce them to the MCU without having to deal with a baddie that is Galactus yet.
3. You need a villain that can bridge you from Thanos to the next mega bad guy, but still feel like a threat for a phase or two.
4. We are going to need time to connect to new heroes and Kang is the perfect type of villain to get us to love our new heroes.
5. Wanting to conquer and rule is a great antithesis to Thanos' desire to just balance the universe.
We all know that a new bad guy is on the horizon. The question is not "if", but rather "who" and "when".
I believe we will get a hint of the new villain without him (or her) actually being revealed at the end of Avengers: Endgame. I believe the heroes will have a moment to breath, but the universe will begin to stir as a new danger arises.
Kang sounds like a possibility to me... What do you think?